Goodbye Winter! Spring time is coming, which means no more big warm and comfy jackets or sweaters for now. Plus, it means that my birthday is coming up soon in March. The weather has been really warm and hot on some days recently. There will be some cold days and nights, but looks like the weather will be a lot warmer now for sure. Who loves plaid? I do! Do you? Plaid is everywhere. There are plaid shirts, plaid skirts, plaid jacket/ponchos, plaid shoes, plaid purse, etc. I have said "Plaid" way too many times. I think that everyone or at least a lot of people has these in their wardrobe. The awesome thing is that people of all ages can wear plaid shirts, jackets, and shoes. It looks amazing on everyone. Plaid shirts with jeans or shorts for an everyday casual look is just a look where you can't go wrong. I love plaid shirts and I know a ton of other people are rocking the plaids as well. There is a lot of ways you can wear your plaid shirts like aroun...